Takeover Tuesday with Lana Simanenkova

Another Takeover Tuesday for your viewing pleasure. This week we have chat with Lana Simanenkova, a freelance animator and illustrator. Originally from Estonia, she is currently based in London, UK.

Q&A with Lana Simanenkova
Read time: 5 min


Animation by Lana Simanenkova

Animation by Lana Simanenkova


Why did you choose your profession? How did you go about starting out?

I had not done very well in school, so I thought that getting a degree in media would be a good idea. I applied to various courses and got accepted into an animation program. Lucky for me, I ended up loving animation and motion graphics. I have been doing it professionally for over seven years now. I started out as an intern making animated ads full-time, then grew that role into a senior creative position which I stayed in for over five years. About a year and a half ago, I left to pursue a freelance career.

What does Women’s History Month mean to you? Why is it personally significant in 2021, particularly?

It's a great way to highlight the amazing talent that often goes underappreciated. It’s also an opportunity to not let anyone forget that there is still much work to be done in terms of gender equality, in the workplace especially. 

What do you love most about what you do? What would you change?

I love all the gears the creative process turns in my head. There's a certain trance you fall into when you do something you love and the time flies. That's the most enjoyable feeling for me. As for what I would change, I always try new animation tools with the hope that one day there will be a viable alternative to some of the Adobe products to create more options in the 2D vector field.


“none of my mentors were women, so I had to navigate the male-heavy animation industry by trial and error.”


Tell me about a woman you look up to and why.

I'm a proper big fan of Joanna Quinn. I discovered her work through a film festival in London and even met her once. She’s as badass as her work is; so cheeky and full of life. The linework and the dynamic movement are something I've not seen anywhere else, so I got completely bewitched. She's amazing and I always look forward to her new works.

Dropbox animation by Lana Simanenkova

Dropbox animation by Lana Simanenkova


What’s the best career (or life) advice you have ever received?

Never assume the client knows something already. Especially if they are new to animation. In that case, the more hand-holding and explaining you do, the better the whole process can be. That way you both know what you’re getting from each other.

Do you have any advice for young women first starting out in this industry?

Try and connect with other women in the industry or potentially seek out a mentorship with one. None of my mentors were women, so I had to navigate the male-heavy animation industry by trial and error; when it comes to meetings, asserting my opinion, noticing subtle sexism, etc. I think finding a role model you can reach out to makes a huge difference.

Do you currently prioritize your work-life balance? If so, how?

I've actually gone freelance a bit more than a year ago exactly for this reason. The commute to London, stagnant wages, and some company re-structuring didn’t mesh with what I wanted for my career at that time. Since going freelance I am more in control of the jobs I take on and the image I want to project to potential clients.


“I love all the gears the creative process turns in my head. There's a certain trance you fall into when you do something you love and the time flies.”


What barriers are women still facing in the industry? How do you think they can go about breaking them down?

I think I struggle being taken seriously in meetings. Some studios are mostly still very male-heavy when it comes to animation. Getting my ideas and feedback adequately heard can be a struggle, and I'm sure other women would have had a similar feeling or experience. This kind of thing needs to be changed by hiring more women in leadership positions along with current studio owners taking the time to speak with their staff about topics such as these while making it a safe place to do so.


“never assume the client knows something already. Especially if they are new to animation. In that case, the more hand-holding and explaining you do, the better the whole process can be. That way you both know what you’re getting from each other.”

Illustration by Lana Simanenkova

Illustration by Lana Simanenkova


Where do you go for inspiration?

I check the website, Short of the Week (https://www.shortoftheweek.com/), almost daily as it's a great collection of short films. Both animation and live-action. The site really gets my storytelling juices flowing. 

Also, there are some very well curated blogs on Vimeo such as Eye Explosions (https://vimeo.com/channels/eyeexplosions) that are dedicated to motion design. Here, I try to keep my eye on the latest and hottest ads/short films. I also keep a Pinterest page where I have a collection of inspirational images; from interior design all the way to 3D character designs and such. It’s a great place to get lost for a couple of hours, great for references.

Do you have any closing advice, points, or statements you would like to make?

I'd like to highlight some of the women and non-binary-focused groups that are doing a great job at building a community that helps people in the design and motion graphic fields. There are some amazing places to talk about art, work, the business of it all, and much more. Panimation and SheDrewThat both have a Facebook and Slack group that are free to join, I can't recommend them enough.

Panimation - https://www.instagram.com/panimation.tv/?hl=en

SheDrewThat - https://www.instagram.com/shedrewthat/?hl=en


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