
Before dash, it was just Mack & Cory. Two animators trying to make some cool stuff in an industry built around speed and efficiency. Cory and I clicked immediately. He was a fantastic 3d animator with a warm personality. Self taught and organized, Cory was the ideal creative to receive a project file from. On the other side of that coin, was me - a 2d animator fresh out of design school, full of ideas and apparently way too many pre-comps in my Ae files. We were both empathetic creatives who stayed late, did a solid for a client, or got a project manager out of a bind. We cared. About the work and the people we worked with. 

But, after five years of projects at an agency that was more concerned about how much we could create vs how much care we put in the creative, we were feeling burned out. 

We needed a change. And the good news for us was that the industry needed a change too. Clients were becoming more accessible just like the applications we were using and the idea of starting a boutique studio didn’t feel as far-fetched once we saw the success of others.

So Cory and I decided to follow suit. No business background. No real training. Just two guys who thought things could be done a little differently. Two creatives who believed in a work-life balance. Who believed that when love and sweat are poured into a project, less clients yielded bigger results. Two creatives who knew those results came from working in teams, sharing ideas, and collaborating. That’s why two creatives quickly turned to four, then eight, and in a blink of an eye, it wasn’t even about numbers anymore, it was just about the people.

The motion design industry has been awkwardly finding its place over the years. Navigating from infancy, into its adolescence, and in my opinion, finally into who it’s supposed to become - the next leader in the creative space. The motion design industry is feeling confident and if anyone wants to hire and retain talent, you have to be a people first organization.

Each year dash has a word or phrase we try to build around, and for 2022 its “purpose and intention.” We’re not growing just to grow. It’s not about hitting a specific number. We want to make better work with great people. A late, great friend of ours once said that he loved dash because in his words “there is the day you’re born and the day you die, what happens in between is the dash.” 

Before dash it was Mack and Cory, now it’s a team. 

  • Mack Garrison
    Director of Content


Takeover Tuesday with Marta Azaña


Takeover Tuesday with Rafael Silveira